It’s hard for us to believe that one year has passed already since our life-long passion was brought to life as TreeTopTravel was created. And my, what a year it has been!!
When we embarked on this journey over one year ago, we never for a moment could have imagined that within just a few short months the travel industry (and in truth the whole world!) would be turned upside down. It has certainly made for a very interesting first year to say the least! But with every struggle comes opportunity, and for that we are truly grateful.
Despite the extreme challenges that a global pandemic has brought to the travel industry, we have been able to continue to serve our clients and for that we have you to thank! From the bottom of our hearts we truly thank each and every one of you for entrusting us with your safety, your memories and your travel plans and experiences this past year. We are truly honoured that so many of you chose us to help you navigate the travel landscape during these unprecedented times. It genuinely fills our hearts to know that we were able to keep many of you travelling safely during this past year, and to give you something to look forward to in continuing to make plans for your amazing future travel experiences! And even if you haven't been able to travel or plan with us just yet, please know that we appreciate your support as loyal subscribers to our inspirational newsletters and we will be here for you when you are ready to experience all that we have to offer.

We know that we certainly wouldn't be able to celebrate this milestone without all of you and to that end we would like to thank each and every one of you - our wonderful customers and supporters - with a birthday gift from us to you! And so, at the end of this month we will randomly draw a winner from amongst our newsletter subscribers to receive a $100 gift certificate from us!! We would love for you to fill your travel piggy bank up a little more on our dime!
If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram you probably already know that all of our newsletter subscribers are also able to earn extra entries into the draw by liking, sharing and commenting on our posts. (If you don’t already follow us on social media it’s not too late to get on there and earn some extra ballots!)
And since we don’t want just one person to have all of the fun, we’ll have a gift for each and every one of our newsletter subscribers as well!! Be sure to open your next issue of our newsletter, not only to find out who the winner of the $100 TreeTopTravel gift certificate is, but to receive the gift that we have for each of you as well!!
We also welcome you to share this newsletter with your favourite travel companions so that they too can subscribe to our travel inspiration newsletter by clicking HERE. They’ll also be entered into the draw and receive a special gift from us next month along with their copy of our newsletter. And if they do win, we certainly hope that they’ll take you along wherever they choose to go!
As always here’s to many more happy travels!